Writer’s Guidelines

FPIF publishes timely commentaries on U.S. foreign policy, sharp analyses of global issues, and on-the-ground dispatches from around the world. We also are interested in pieces that explore the intersection of foreign policy and culture, and on dispatches from social movements involved in foreign policy.

You can learn more about our editorial mission here.

We’re happy to consider unsolicited contributions, including op-eds of 600-800 words and longer commentaries up to 1,000 words. If you’re a new contributor, it’s best to send a pitch first. If you talk through the piece with us before writing it, it’s more likely to be of interest.

Though we prefer to receive original contributions, we’ll consider reprinting or adapting pieces that previously ran elsewhere on a case-by-case basis, provided you can supply the appropriate permissions.

As a nonprofit publication with no dedicated funding, we regret that FPIF does not have the resources to pay contributors. But we are happy to share our platform with experts, advocates, and activists who write as a part of their work or activism.

Style Guidelines

We believe that U.S. foreign policy, and global issues more generally, have a huge impact on ordinary people. So our priority is to make work covering these issues accessible to a general audience. We value strong writing that avoids jargon and makes clear points in concise language.

While many academics and experts publish with FPIF, we discourage contributions designed exclusively for specialized audiences.

As a U.S.-based publication, we encourage contributions that have some relevance to news or policy issues in the United States. We publish less frequently on geopolitical issues that are local to other regions, but we remain open to pieces with strong global hooks — such as on issues related to trade, climate, human rights, etc.

FPIF does not use footnotes or endnotes. Instead, please hyperlink all relevant sources.

Although we scrutinize all submissions carefully, authors are ultimately responsible for the factual accuracy of their contributions.

Queries and Submissions

Please director John Feffer (johnf@ips-dc.org) to send pitches or submissions.

Unfortunately, we’re not able to consider every piece that comes our way. If you don’t hear back within three business days, feel free to follow up or to send it elsewhere.

We look forward to your participation in FPIF’s think tank without walls!